Tiffin-Seneca Public Library Board of Trustees

Tiffin-Seneca Public Library is governed by a group of community minded individuals who care deeply about their library.

Board meetings are held regularly at noon on the third Tuesday of the month in the 
Junior Home Room.

Board members include:

Dr. Richard Ellinger,

Bonnie Boroff,

Mitch Blonde

Jane Dell

Donna Frank

Gerald Niedermier

Peggy Wolf


Friends of the Library

Chartered in 1981, the Friends of the Tiffin-Seneca Public Library is, by definition, a growing group of citizens who support the Library's projects and needs through fundraising. 

The purpose of the Friends is to:

  • Maintain an association of persons interested in the Library

  • Focus public attention on the Library

  • Stimulate the use of the Library's resources and services

  • Receive and encourage gifts, endowments and bequests to the Library

  • Support and cooperate with the Library in developing library services and facilities

  • Support the freedom to read as expressed in the American Library Association Bill of Rights

The Friends are willing to contribute time, talent and money as a supportive organization of the Library. The Friends are also official hosts for Library functions and provide volunteers for various projects. 

Friends' Activities include:

  • The Annual Book Sale

  • Summer Reading Program events

  • Books for Kids

  • The Friends' annual meeting and program

  • Hosting Library events, including the Community Wide Read and the Costume Carnival

  • Special projects like the "I Love My Library" poster contest, silent book and art auctions and Mystery Dinner Theater.

Board members include:

Cathy Brandt, President

Jane Tomaszewski, Vice-President

Susan Carty, Secretary

Jim Stultz, Treasurer

Cher Bibler, Director

Michelle Holland, Director

Luann Edwards, Director

Joyce Gase, Director

Jackie Lucius, Director

Connie Cole, Director


Tiffin-Seneca Library Foundation

The Tiffin-Seneca Library Foundation was established in 1992 to help provide a secure future for the Library.

Endowments and major gifts to the Foundation are designated toward valuable programs and purchases for the Library.

The Foundation is a nonprofit corporation of the State of Ohio. It solicits, receives and maintains funds whose income can be used to enhance the Library's mission. 

The largest donation was from sisters Mary Frances and Joan Kuebler, who donated their home to the Foundation in 2005. 

Board members include:

Tom Anway, President 

Tom Reeser, Treasurer

Dr. Richard Ellinger

Gerald Niedermier

Bryan Rannigan