Share Your Betty Crocker Cookbook


Sandy Mellott got her Betty Crocker cookbook as a shower gift from her mom. Her mother gave each of her four daughters a cookbook when they got married.

The closeup of the recipe is her favorite recipe -- it's for fudge frosting.


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I was talking with my mother about her cookbook. It is well worn, she received it in 1955 as a wedding shower gift. Sixty-five years old and it is still used several times a month. Just wondering if others interested in Betty Crocker have similar stories on how they got their book. It might also be interesting to see who has the oldest book. My mom was also telling me that you could collect coupons from flour bags and when you had enough you could send for the cookbook.
— Pam Moyer

This was my mom’s cookbook and it obviously has had ALOT of use!!
— Lisa O’Millian

I love older cookbooks. I found this one, published in 1950 at a yard sale a few years back.
— Yolanda Gonzales

I don’t remember exactly when I got my cookbook, I’m guessing early 70s. It probably spent time in my hope chest before it actually got used. It has been used A LOT ever since. It is spotty and pages coming out and very faded but still works just the same. Probably the most used pages are the ones for meatloaf and a variety of fruit pies.
— Rosalie Steiner

I received mine as a wedding present in 1998. I’ve used it so much it has duct tape holding it together. I like how it has charts and directions for all kinds of basic cooking techniques (that I used before I could Google all my questions.) The most-used recipe is for chocolate chip cookies that is very simple but everyone always goes on about them.
— Becky Oswalt

My Betty Crocker Cookbook was received as a graduation gift in 1980 (LOL, telling my age).
— Kathy Oliver

When I was in high school I received this cookbook as a prize and have used it ever since. It is a first edition, eighth printing, Copyright 1950.
— Gwen Lewis

I purchased this Cook Book for home economics class in high school in 1966. It has been an excellent reference for cooking and baking. I hope to pass it on to my granddaughter someday so she can explore the many wonderful recipes.
— Mary Jane Thompson

Hello, my name is Donna Faeth and I bought my first Betty Crocker cookbook when I was in Home Ec class at Old Fort High School. I’ve used it for the past 45 years. I also bought my 2 sons a new version for their 21 birthdays.
— Donna Faeth

I received my 1991 issue Betty Crocker cookbook from my Aunt Sally as a Christmas gift in 1995.
— Linda Auger